
Kirkland, Washington, United States
Artifacts of an experience

17 April 2008

Van, Turkey


These Tricycle vehicles ruled the streets in some parts of Van.
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This is one of the drivers.
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These kids were out selling razors. Turkey is so much fun when everyone on the street wants to meet you and have their picture taken.
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This guy wanted his picture taken with his truck.
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From Van, we had to take an overnight bus ride to Kayseri. In eastern Turkey there are regular checkpoints where soldiers search all vehicles for drugs and PKK terrorists. Right now the situation is pretty calm, but it could flare up at any time.
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Eastern Turkey has some pretty high mountains. I'm going to make my next trip there in the Fall, so that places like this are more accessible. There are some villages that are snowed in and inaccessible for over 8 months a year! They say that for 4 months they belong to the world and that for 8 months per year they belong to God.
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